We believe that a robust transition for our children is really important in order for them to feel safe and secure in their next classes or school.
We do a number of things to support this, depending on your child's needs, including:
If your child is joining us into Nursery or Reception, we will meet with their current setting, visit your child there and at home. Their current setting will share key information with us. You will also have an early years 'all about me' sheet to fill in. You and your child will also be invited to a play date to help familiarise them to the environment.
a transition booklet goes home with every child in the school from Reception to Year 5 in the Summer term. This allows parents and children to tell their new teacher their likes/dislikes, interests and any worries they might have (see what the booklets look like below)
We offer a transition meeting in the summer term for all our children who are on the SEND register, plus any children who may be 'vulnerable' in other ways. Attending your child's transition meeting are: current teacher, new teacher, child and parent(s).
In these transition meetings we create a 'pupil passport' together in order to ensure we have a full picture of your child and their needs.
When your child is ready to go to secondary school, or is joining us , we (or their current setting) complete a standardised transition form to send to their new school. Debbie Nisbet (InCo) also meets with the new secondary SENCos and passes on key information.