HSA: Highover School Association

If you have a child at Highover JMI School you are already a member of the H.S.A., congratulations! The H.S.A. is a group of Highover parents, carers and friends who organise events to raise fund for the school. We are a registered charity, number 1013171 and donate funds to the school to enhance the children's experience at school, such as; School funds are the tightest they have ever been so we are pleased to be able to provide support by purchasing much needed resources for the children so they don’t miss out. In addition to general resources, we have helped fund a new sensory room, reading books, classroom IT and licences for educational programs. You can be involved with the H.S.A. by attending our monthly meetings, volunteering to help at events, helping to set-up or plan events, baking cakes or by coming along to support the work we do. We are friendly and productive so don't be shy! 

H.S.A Committee :

Co-chairs:                 Helena Theakstone and Ellen Daplyn

Treasurer:                 Verity Murphy

Secretary: Danielle Cox

Other members: Dawn Rigget, Tammy Evans,  Annabel Cox, Claire Simmons, Carla Johnson

Uniform team:         Rachel Hersey, Emma Jones, Amy Barber


Quiz: Saturday 18th May, 7.30pm

Car boot Sale: Sunday 23rd June, 10.30am

Overfest: Saturday 6th July, 2-8pm

Copy of HSA Christmas Newsletter.pdf